Anyone can join, however young, and it’s absolutely free. All you need to do is:
- Fill in our membership form for children or adults
- Provide one form of official identification with your name on it. This can be a Passport, Driver’s Licence, Bank Card or current utility bill.
- If you are under 16 you will need a parent or sponsor to sign for you

It’s important to bring your library card each time you visit the library. Your library card and your PIN number is for your personal use only. Let us know immediately if you lose it.
Register Online
If you are 16 or over, and live, work or study in Rutland, you can join online using our online registration facility. A temporary borrower number will be issued to you. You choose your own 4 digit PIN
You can search our online catalogue, place up to 5 holds on our books & audiobooks, and use our online reference services immediately.
You will still need to join as a full member at any Rutland library to complete your membership, collect your library card, and have full access to our services. Make sure you bring some identification when you collect your library card. If you are under 16 you will need to come into the library and have a parent or carer sign as guarantor.
In line with the Data Protection Act we keep borrower loan histories for two to three years. If you would like your records clearing more often than this please email